At the beginning of mature years (age
31), 1887th Tesla has reported its most important
patent: alternating-current generator that produces
alternating current.

Tesla in 1891. was made and
patentiraotransformator, which is known under the name
"Tesla transformer, a power that it produces" Tesla coil
During the life joined the multitude
of patents (and even 1500, and some consider him the
most prolific scientist of all time), but none was as
accepted as this. None of the later patent was not as
successful as this.
Towards the end of life presented a
own dynamic theory of gravity is a theory in which the
mass of the result of vortex energy, as confirmed by
recent research.
The world has acknowledged
Tesla-inventor, but has not acknowledged the fact that
he was a brilliant physicist.
In the age of 26 years (1905th).
Einstein publishes Special Theory of Relativity, which
replaced Newtonian notions of space in.

Ten years later, published the
general theory of relativity, which includes gravity.
These two theories have brought him international fame
and recognition of the greatest scientists of the
twentieth century.
Usually it is thought that the Nobel
Prize for the Theory of relativity, which is not true,
he received the award for his work on quantum theory.
At the beginning of 1920-by Einstein
began to loudly criticize the Copenhagen
interpretation. His interpretation, which is called
the Unified Field Theory is guided by faith in a single
origin for the entire set of physical laws.
Einstein became increasingly isolated in his research in
this generalized theory of gravitation and his efforts
have remained unsuccessful in the final.
The relationship of energy and matter
was the main cornerstone of disagreement in the theories
of these two great scientists.
Tesla's dynamic theory explains the movement of objects
in space, concept of spatial distortions, as opposed to
Einstein theory of relativity E = mx c ².
Modern science has confirmed that
both are equally right and left this issue unresolved,
until further notice.
Wireless power transmission is patent
that Tesla's most challenged.
Some believe that this is just a dream, and some that is
not yet ripe to comprehend the ingenious concept of the
great scientists.

It is similar
with the Rays of death
was one of Tesla's discoveries and patents, which no one
has figured out or accepted.
Over the years, Einstein is partly
removed from its original idea and is trying to create a
comprehensive theory of the universe, with the intention
to unify and simplify the basic physical laws,
especially laws of gravity and electromagnetism.

Einstein became increasingly isolated
in his research in this generalized theory of
gravitation and his efforts have remained unsuccessful
in the final. His quest for the unification of
fundamental forces is most scientists ignored or even
rejected as unscientific theories.
Death ray
and Einstein's sentence
God does not play dice,
have become part of the world and Hollywood culture and
subculture, so that the real authors of the forgotten.
And in what appears to all the
concepts and it is better not to know who are the
creators of these ideas.